
論文/Relationship_Between_Shape_Characteristics・・ の変更点

*Relationship Between Shape Characteristics on a Joint Block and Disinfecting Efficiency

Peng Jiang, Yaoming Huang, Takamitsu Tanaka
(受付:2022/06/02 採用:2022/09/21)



This study determines an acceptable balance between toy building block shape characteristics and ease of disinfection as a measure to prevent infection among children. Accordingly, an observation test was conducted with participants who were asked to disinfect three shape characteristics of prototype models with geometric, arched, and curved shapes separately, each variation also set “narrow” and “wide” finger contact areas for observation. The participants’ viewing duration and viewing order were recorded with an eye tracking device and then statistically analyzed. The results indicated that despite people’s ability or experience with disinfection, “curved and rounded shape characteristics” and “more open spaces” are key factors to reduce the disinfection time, while the contact area for fingers makes no significant differences on the efficiency of disinfection.
